operation disciple
Only 35-40% of Americans claim to be born again. Out of those 35-40% only 7-10% actually have a true biblical world view. Having a biblical world view means that you believe that the bible is 100% true and that you must believe everything in it.
Day after day, churches offer programs to help its members grow, and yet the body of Christ is not reflecting this fact. The unfortunate truth is about 2.7 million church members fall into inactivity every year.
Every Church, every believer, making disciples!
The fast-paced world we live in, with its growing possibilities, often provides just as many opportunities for distractions as it does for growing in our walk with Christ. Social media, television, and politics. The list could go on, but none of these things truly edify our relationship with Christ, and yet we allow them to have a greater impact on our life. The warm feeling you get when you attend a meeting outside of your normal Sunday morning service and walk away feeling accomplished. It can be likened to the feeling of going to the gym and getting a great workout. There is something special about knowing you seriously put in work. Attending the gym regularly produces results. Strength, endurance, and resistance increase. How would you feel if you put all your time, sweat, and energy into regular session at the gym with a personal trainer, but saw zero results? You would probably question the effectiveness of the program, look for other venues to gain growth, or simply give up on the idea that growth is possible. It is so evident! Following this same thought process, it leaves us with a great question: “Why do we attend church, but have little desire for evident growth?”
Day after day, churches offer programs to help its members grow, and yet the body of Christ is not reflecting this fact. The unfortunate truth is about 2.7 million church members fall into inactivity every year. Beyond that fact, The United States, following China and India, now ranks third in the number of people who are not professing Christians. This means that the U.S. is becoming an “unreached people.” Where is the Church? The one that claims to live according to the Book of Acts, where is that church?
Only 35-40% of Americans claim to be born again. Out of those 35-40% only 7-10% actually have a true biblical world view. Having a biblical world view means that you believe that the bible is 100% true and that you must believe everything in it. You cannot pick and choose what you want to believe or not believe. You believe that Christ came to the earth through a virgin Mary ( Matthew 1), He was fully God and fully Man, lived a sinless life ( 1 Peter 2), was crucified on a cross (Matthew 27)and raised to life on the third day ( Mark 16). That you will one day stand before a Holy God who will judge you and either you will go to heaven or hell.( Romans 14) (Romans 5)( Matthew 25)(Revelation 21) There is a lot of people that have not been following Jesus that go to church that will go to hell. Why do I say this? Many people in Churches today believe that just being a good person will get you to heaven, they believe that because they said a prayer one time, even though they never have obeyed Jesus they will be are saved.(1 John 2)
I have encountered many Christians that have been attending Church for years that never read their Bible or even own one. Never pray, and live any lifestyle they want and feel that because they do Church stuff they are saved. Works does not get you to heaven, the only thing that saves you is the righteousness of Jesus and obedience to his Him. He is Lord! What these statistics are showing is that only about 10% of people in the church that you attend have a real biblical world view and live it out. That is simply unbelievable! We live in a culture that around 70-80% of people claim to be Catholic or Christian and out of those only 35-40% are born again and out of that only about 10% really follow Jesus.
Operation Disciple’s focus is to bring direction to the church, specifically in the process of making disciples. This program is here to hold the church to the standard and model of Christ, to do exactly what Christ commanded us to do: “Go make disciples.” The goal and vision is to see every Bible believing church in America making disciples. We need a true biblical world view back in the Church in America. We need men and woman who desire to live out the gospel rather than just learn about it. This is the goal of Operation Disciple, is to bring life to a dead and dying world. To live life on Mission! The same Mission that Jesus had and has for his Church! Our mission is for the Church to find truth in the scriptures and live those truths out everyday as Jesus did!
We believe that the Head of the Church is Christ and just as Ephesians 4:11-12
11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
It is not uncommon to see Mormons going door to door sharing their beliefs. Muslims are often willing to die to honor their own. Hindus discipline themselves in honor of their beliefs and customs. We see these other religions and while we do not agree with them, they are doing what we the church should be, committing themselves and reaching outside of themselves to the lost. Christians, however, seem to have difficulty committing to a church. We need to be the ones that reach out to these people who are hurting and lost, we need to be the ones going out and helping our neighbors.
Our responsibility is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. What is the work of the ministry? Making disciples, plain and simple! Operation disciple is here to equip every Church and every believer to just that. I want to encourage and challenge every believer to get trained, equipped, and GO make disciples. We have to be the example, we have to be the model the world should follow. Let us take a stand and say enough is enough! I will make disciples; I will win the lost! Join us in Operation Disciple